training module

"Strategy, branding and export marketing of products from the fashion industry"

Organized first two-day training module

Within the project “Fashion Employment Hub”, Textile Trade Association – Textile Cluster organized two-day training session on “Strategy, branding and export marketing of fashion industry products” on February 22 and 23 in Veles, at the Gardenia Hotel.

Through presentations and practical exercises delivered by the expert Petar Lazarov, the aim of this two-day training was to introduce fashion designers to the concepts of branding and setting up export strategies for fashion industry products. After completing the training, young designers and entrepreneurs will be able to prepare their own brand strategy and sales plan, improve the visibility of their products and define ways of communication, promotion and successful sale of products.

Workshop topics were: Introduction to Marketing and Branding, What is Marketing? Marketing (r)evolution-Marketing strategy, the importance of Marketing strategy, Case study – sharing experience from partners and preparation of communication plan – advertising the product offline/online promotion and sales. At the end of the training, participants had the opportunity for a one-on-one consulting session with the lecturer/expert. 


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