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The Hellenic Police assumed its present structure in 1984 when the Gendarmerie (Chorofylaki) and the Urban Police Forces (Astynomia Poleon) were merged (Law 1481/1-10-1984, Government Gazette 152 A). Hellenic Police (Elliniki Astynomia) is a Law Enforcement Agency according to the Law nr. 2800/2000 and its mission is to:
- ensure peace and order as well as citizens` unhindered social development, a mission that includes general policing duties and traffic safety
- prevent and interdict crime as well as to protect the State and the democratic form of government within the framework of constitutional order, a mission that also includes the implementation of public and state security policy
Hellenic Police is comprised of both central and regional Services. Hellenic Police`s headquarters is the supreme authority over these Services. Its efforts center on the fulfillment of the Force`s mission, within the framework of the Ministry of Interior`s policy. For this reason it schedules, directs, oversees and monitors the activities of its Services, and it ensures the necessary conditions for the exercise of its authority.