Textile Trade Association of Macedonia – Textile Cluster (TTA-CT)

Fashion Info days

Organizatrion of 3 Info Days

hosting, catering,


media coverage .

All partners will participate with presentations , meetings , discussions

Ask the expert

Textile Trade Association of Macedonia – Textile Cluster (TTA-CT)

Textile Trade Association of Macedonia – Textile Cluster (TTA-CT)

On December 15 (Thursday) 2022, from 15:00, the first of three info days “Ask the Expert” was held in Veles as part of the “Fashion Employment Hub” project. The event lasted two hours, and during it, we managed to exchange a lot of information with the participants. The organizer of this event was the Textile Trade Association – Textile Cluster.

"3D and the fashion industry"

Textile Trade Association of Macedonia – Textile Cluster (TTA-CT)

Textile Trade Association of Macedonia – Textile Cluster (TTA-CT)

2nd info day

Held in North Macedonia on 8 of March 2023 in Strumica and on 10 of March 2023 in Skopje as part of Fashion Weekend Skopje

Second INFO DAY of the “The Fashion Employment Hub” project, hosted by the Textile Trade Association – Textile Cluster, was held in Strumica on March 08, 2023 and on March 10 2023 at East Gate Mall – Skopje as part of Fashion Weekend Skopje. Theme of the Info day was: “3D and the fashion industry”.

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