Fashion Employment Hub

An Interreg project GR-NMK for Fashion

1st STUDY VISIT TO Fashion Employment Hub

STUDY VISIT TO Fashion Employment Hub Held in Greece, Thessaloniki, 13 to 16 June 2023 From June 13 to 16, 2023, as part of the Fashion Employment Hub project, by the project partner Textile Trade Association – Textile cluster was organized study trip for young fashion designers, fashion entrepreneurs and representatives of the clothing industry. The …

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2nd info day

2nd info day Held in North Macedonia on 8 of March 2023 in Strumica and on 10 of March 2023 in Skopje as part of Fashion Weekend Skopje Second INFO DAY of the “The Fashion Employment Hub” project, hosted by the Textile Trade Association – Textile Cluster, was held in Strumica on March 08, 2023 …

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Visit of the largest Fashion Trade Fair in SEE Region – Athens Fashion Trade Show

Visit of the largest Fashion Trade Fair in SEE Region – Athens Fashion Trade Show Held in Athens, Greece on 26 to 28 of January 2023 In organization of the Textile Trade Association – Textile cluster, representatives from North Macedonia visited one of the largest Fashion Trade Fair in SEE Region – Athens Fashion Trade …

Visit of the largest Fashion Trade Fair in SEE Region – Athens Fashion Trade Show Read More »

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